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Monday, February 7, 2011

CrazyGood Networking, Social Network


There is a new network that pays you to do it. I am all for it. It is just $10 a month, and for everyone that you refer, you get paid one dollar, for everyone that they refer- you get paid one dollar and for every person that was referred by a person you referred you get paid $1.

Be Optimistic . . . Be Realistic . . . and explore the possibilities! Use simple multiplication--it's easy. Click this link to find out how much you can earn on $10 a month...


Better still there is money paid out to your favorite charity or charities, yes 10% to the charity you choose, have your friends join and add that charity to there list and the money will be sent to YOUR charity.  
The POWER of a Community is in its people. More specifically the NUMBER of people. With numbers comes STRENGTH. Crazygood believes strength is meant for SERVICE not STATUS.

I joined more out of curiousity. I spend $10 a month on junk food as many of my readers will do. So why not put down the chips and soda for about three months and try this out. My curiousity is to find out how many of my friends will give up $10 a month, post the link on Facebook or Twitter and watch the money come back to them.

Not only does crazygood pay you for referrals, they disperse 50% of the company earnings among the affilliates (you & me). Now that is crazygood,

I recommend that you try it for two maybe three months, and if it does not do what it claims simply cancel your membership (affilliation) and you would have lost not only $20 but a few pounds from not eating all of the junk food.

Join Now. Click or paste the link below to your browser and I will See you at the top!

Sandra Glasco
Ardyss International-Advisor


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Testimony (Spiritual)

This Friday I was invited to go to church with an old friend. I was reluctant to go, but I had not been to church for so long, so I accepted her invitation. On my way there I was thinking, she does not speak English and my Spanish is not the best, but what can it hurt, I understand most words, I just cannot respond without sounding like high school Spanish 101.

Upon arriving the first thing that I noticed was that there were older American Caucasians in the audience. I immediately felt better, because I assumed that none of them spoke Spanish either. I was right. To my surprise, the Pastor gave the message in both languages. He would speak in his native language and then translate it into English, or vise-versa. People testified in English and he translated it into Spanish, Some would even do their own translations.

Okay to get back on track, I was compelled to testify. Upon standing I realized that I was not moving on my own (I would have stayed seated). I had no plan of saying anything or even knew what I was about to say, the words just began to flow. Right along with the words, the tears began to flow as well. Even at prayer time, I did not really want to go up, but my friend said “Don’t be afraid, I will go with you”. So there I was standing in front of the man of God, face to face, my sins right before God’s spokesperson.

The Pastor spoke these words: “My sister, God has not left you. He (God) wants you to know that He knows that you have always sought Him in everything you do. He has heard your prayers; He was been with you when you needed Him most. You have not wanted anything or suffered any lack. He says He is going to do a miracle for you in three days that you are going to come back and testify to. Go in peace”.

How did he know all of that; how did this stranger in my life know to speak those words to me. I told him about the situation about our not having jobs, but I did not mention to him that I always pray, in everything I do, I pray. I invite God to be in my presence to guide me in decisions that are simply everyday tasks. But I want to know that God is with me. I needed to know that I was not forgotten by God, especially since we struggled for nearly three years due to lack of work.

We survived two evictions, but we were never homeless or with out food. We were never without transportation, in fact we bought two more motorcycles and many cars which were eventually sold, but not for rent or food. We sold the cars/trucks because we had too many. And we are at that point again. We have two trucks, a van, a car and three motorcycles. I never intended to have so many but I can not sell my motorcycles.

God has been there all the time. He has never forsaken me; does God see me as righteous? He spoke these words through me, “I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread”. As I write these words, tears are filling up in my eyes… my mother used to say this verse a lot when I was young. It is a funny thing, now I am old and I have yet to see His righteous forsaken.

I don’t know who I am writing this for today, but never let language barriers stop you from doing what you are lead to do. Never leave God out of anything that you do. Never forget that you are His and He is yours. God will never leave you nor forsake you. We all have sinned and fallen short of His glory. And above all know that GOD loves you.

Thank you Father, Sandra Glasco

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Changing the Way we Do Things!

"If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you’ve always got.” –Mike Ferry, President of the Mike Ferry Foundation.

And the worst part is that you may get even less than what you used to get, since things have changed in our economy so drastically. Change is an integral part of life. If you don’t change, you remain in infant stages.

Infants begin to grow and change the moment they breathe their first breath. And continue to do so until toddler age, teenage and adulthood. Imagine if you will, that one does not grow or learn anything from the moment that they come into the world. Moms will have perpetual 24-hours of feeding, changing diapers, bathing, and or playing with the baby. I think you get the idea. Now imagine a whole society of babies that never advanced and the parents got old and began to dwindle away…

Those unlearned offspring will begin to die away as well, since there is no one there to feed them, no one to hold and nurture them.

It is a wonderful thing the human body, although it is programmed to decay, we humans have the innate ability to learn by failures of what we do. Babies learn to walk by pulling up and taking their first steps, first one or two and fall. So they pull up again and then two or three more steps and fall, and so forth, until they are walking upright for long periods of time. And the funny thing is, in my experience, my children tried to run before they learned to walk good. Yes I do have a point, stay with me.

We as adults tend to do the same thing. We learn a little bit about a subject or business and try to run full blast on just a little bit of knowledge of what to do. This is why – like babies who never develop, the dream dies. The business owner, who never got nurtured, or taught by falling down and getting back up, they grow. They just fall down and stay down, unless they have developed from the things that the “Parent” company or Sponsor has shown them along the way.

Falling is not failing! We all fall down; the difference is in the getting back up again. How many times must we fall- as many times as needed to learn not do the same thing the same way and get the same results? Yes I am back where I started. Funny how I got thrown off by babies, huh? No, not really. In business and in simply living, we all go through stages very similar to those of a child trying to reach adulthood. Yet as adults we go through the same struggles to become successful and avoid mediocrity.

It is the person(s) that decided that they could do it if they changed the way it was done that not only stood up, but stood out and therefore made their businesses better than the one that did not get proper training and nurturing from the person or entity responsible for their growth.

That is the difference right there; having someone there to encourage you to take that next step, not tell you that it can not be done, or it has never been done like that before. We are the captains of our destinies… no two people are on the same charted path. If ten people were given the same opportunities, it is likely that three will take on the challenge. And of those three, one is likely to continue and succeed (and the chances of that happening are 1%). Not very good odds, but the reality is that if we continue to do what we have already done, we will always get the same results. Dare to be different and think outside of the box.

There is more than one route to downtown, take the one that gets you there in a timely fashion.

Just think if Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey or President Barack Obama had continued on the norm an thought of their future in stereotypical ways. These are extraordinary people and have decided that falling is part of failing and failing is part of development. I am thankful that they have set examples that we all can pattern ourselves after.

Go out and live your dream, fall but get back up again and try it from a different angle. You too can do it.

Born to succeed!

Monday, January 17, 2011


Everybody wants to be a millionaire, someone even wrote a song about, someone else created a game show and just about every MLM promises that you will make Millions if you follow their proposed outline of marketing.

I am learning that all MLM's operate on the same premise, you must be willing to step out of the "proverbial" box in order to be richer than your proteges. You and your up line are looking for the next "super salesperson" and everyone is looking for a better and cheaper product. What are you doing to stand out in the MLM Internet crowd? Where are your leads going to come from? How do you find the people that want exclusively what you sell? Pretty tough questions, right? No, not really. All can be answered by asking the right questions on the Internet and being willing to do the steps suggested.

You will never make a million dollars until you have made one dollar in profit. What do I mean by that? Put yourself in the "profit margin". I am saying to you that in MLM businesses, there is always "you buy, you sell, you profit" scheme. And "Be a product of your product"... All of this is the truth, but you have to be willing to make an investment to be able to show your product, you will have to spend money to buy the products to show. You will need to spend money to market your business, whether it is via Internet or by the old fashion method of creating fliers and postcards. It will take some money to get you started.

Then there is the bigger question, what is the best Internet marketing method? How do I market on the Internet the same product that hundreds of thousand of people are already marketing? The answer is "Be Unique". Do the unthinkable, go outside of the parameters to get your website noticed. Put some work in and do it in a respectable fashion. Buyers need to know that you are the expert in your field of sales. They are the consumer, you are the professional.

In order to be the professional in your company, you will have to show the buyer that you are very well informed about your products and services, go out on a limb and make some promises. The business that you are representing can back the reasonable promises based on their size and credibility. Use phrases like if you are not 100% satisfied, I will refund your money, and others like "guaranteed to help you achieve your goal of ___". The risk is that the person will buy the products and like them, you will not lose money and you will always have that buyer as your customer. On the other hand, the person is just trying to test your integrity and will purchase the item and want to return it just because you said he/she could... well okay, honor that as well, chances are he/she will buy from you again and you are still in business.

If the buyer does not like your products, he/she is likely to just send it back. They are not going to inform the world that you sold them a product not to their liking. And on the top end, you are not going to sell a product that you would not use yourself, so more people are going to buy and keep your products based on your integrity. Be prepared for the negative person and have some back up money to buy the item back to use for display and you are still in the game. Another key point is to never be a pushy salesperson, show that item, explain it's benefits and give the buyer any additional information that he/she requests (don't play secrecy games about pricing). Be confident and firm. Everyone has an idea that you get what you pay for so if you believe your product is worth it's price, be firm.

The key is to be prepared to spend some money and never back down  if you want to be in the Millionaire Game. Nothing is free and if it is too easy, it is not worth the time and effort given to it.

I too, want to be a millionaire, and I have learned that no one is giving anything away. Hard work, dedication and perseverance is the key to MLM and any other business.


Sandra Glasco-Advisor
Ardyss International

Reshaping, Reviving and Redirecting lives daily....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Avoiding MLM Mistakes

The key to MLM businesses is to not become pushy with friends and family members. Family members have seen you try just about every MLM that has come across the web and are probably tired of all the sales pitches and “this product is better than the last one” songs.

Friends are likely to stop socializing with you since they feel like you are always trying to sell them something. If you have already let them know that you are a merchant of a certain product, there is no need to brow-beat them into getting it. When the topic comes up, simply go with the conversation without the sales pitch unless asked to do so.

The best way to sell a unique product is to become a walking billboard. Meaning, you should be using the product yourself to generate curiosity. Become a product of the product. If it is a perfume or fragrance, you will likely spawn someone’s interest by them smelling it on you first. I on one hand sell body garments that I could only tell you the benefits that I have experienced. It is, in this case one that you would have to try on and get first hand knowledge of how the garment will help you.

It seems as if every website has a “Nutritional” beverage that is better than the last one. Every product is as different to the user as finding the perfect fitting garment or the right hair style for you. No two results are the same. However the testimonies are similar. And the bad part about that is that the testimonies begin to sound like sales pitches.

One can always purchase leads or hold expensive seminars, but the best sales line is for one to know that you are a dedicated consumer of the product yourself.

I totally love it when someone says to me “Wow, have you lost weight”, that is my key to introduce my product, hand out a business card and/or set an appointment.
To learn more about marketing your product(s), there is a lot of information on the internet, but again, there is nothing like using the product yourself. Don’t fall into the MLM trap of making a list of all of your friends or family. Learn as much as you can about your product and become your own best customer, friends and family will come to you about it.

In some cases, friends and family may be a good start, so don’t totally rule them out, but what happens when you run out of immediate contacts? You will need a back up plan. Are you ready?

MLM's are not the end of the world. Not all of them lead you to a dead end road. Just like all things... there is a good product and there is a bad product. And most MLM's are successful based on their main product line. That is why I am sold on ARDYSS INTERNATIONAL's "Body Magic" reshaping line. The product leads to curiosity and Curiosity Sells!

An appointment with ARDYSS will change your life... schedule yours today!

Contact: Sandra Glasco
Phone: (916)678-9987
Email: ardyss1glasco@ymail.com
Web: http://www.ardysslife.com/glasco1

See you at the Top!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lifetime Resolutions

Every year people start their days with "I make a resolution to....", which usually lasts all off one to two months.  Let's admit it, rarely we keep those "New Years'" resolutions. How many times have you heard "I will lose X amount of pounds this year" or "this year I resolve to do "something really needed to be done"?

What we fail to do is to make committments that will give us a healthier lifestyle rather than a quick fix. Let's face it, most quick fixes usually end up becoming next years' new years' resolution. Don't fret, most people fail at their new year's resolutions or have a hard time staying dedicated to it. Perhaps we should choose something that is do-able. Something that we can visualize the results to. It is often stated "If you can see it, you can achieve it" This is why many self-help projects suggest that you post a picture of your "dream" item or accomplishment.

Stay with me now, picture yourself looking great as the next year begins. Picture yourself going shopping for the new car that you desire or the wardrobe to compliment your new body. Picture yourself sitting in a spa getting the total luxury treatment... Sounds like only a dream doesn't it? What if I told you that you could have all of that and more. The "Holy Bible" says that God will give to you abundantly and above all that you could ask or image. And I believe that this is very true. I will not take anything from what God says, however momma says that "God helps those who help themselves".

All things that God will give to you, he has made provision for you to go out and get them. Sure he will give it to you but you must put forth some effort, for he also says "Faith without works is dead". Much like online or work at home businesses, you can have anything that they promise, but work is required. The objective is to work SMARTER not HARDER. Ardyss International has given you the means to accomplish a great body, earn  BIG money and live a healthier lifestyle. Everything that you need for everyday living is provided through Ardyss.

You can have a great body with the Reshaping Garments, better health by using the nutritional products; Ardyss provides Cosmetics, skin and hair care and even environmentally safe "Green" cleaning products for the home. You can be all you want to be and do all you want to do through ARDYSS.

Do I sound like I am trying to convince you to become and ARDYSS preferred customer??? Good! Then I have accomplished my goal. I would not only like for you to consider becoming a customer, but a distributor as well. Why should you not be making the money you deserve by using the products that you already use daily.

Now back to the resolutions that need to be made... Let us all make a committment to live Healthier, Wealthier and more Productive lifestyles.

Ardyss is changing lives one appointment at a time...
Schedule your LIFE CHANGING appointment today!

Sandra Glasco

Call or Email today: (916)678-9987 ardyss1glasco@ymail.com

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Only the Best for 2011

Well, here it is, a brand new year and another opportunity to get this body back into shape. I know that I have tried every fad diet and exercise program know to modern man. I had come to terms with my body that I am just a thick...until I found out about Ardyss International and their reshaping line.

I have committed to a NEW YEAR a NEW STATUS and a NEW and IMPROVED ME! I am dedicated to changing my life and the lives of those willing to learn the process along with me. I have been down for quite awhile now and right now nothing feels better than making a conscious decision to make a Change for a better me, a better lifestyle for my family. My goal is to eat healthier (give my body the nutrients it needs for my age group). I will wear my Ardyss garments (giving my body the support and re-alignment needed), and use the green clean products that I also sell through Ardyss International.

I have committed to becoming a product of the products. I am sold on Ardyss and I am willing to show that dedication to the world (or those that can hear me).

I can show you and your friends the same magic that I experienced by trying the products.

Ardyss offers so much more. Check it out!
  • Reshaping Garments
  • Nutritional Products
  • Personal Care Products (Hair and Skin Care)
  • Green Products (Environmentally Safe)
  • Business Opportunities (11 different way to earn)
  • Health Care
  • Ardyss "Visa" Card
No Diet, No Exercise and No Pills - WHAT?!

You heard me right, no diet, no exercise and no pills.  Contact your local ARDYSS distributor and schedule an appointment to try your Body Magic garment on. (http://www.ardysslife.com/glasco1).

When you are as pleased as I know you will be, you will be sporting your very own garment(s) within 3-5 business days of purchase.