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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Changing the Way we Do Things!

"If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you’ve always got.” –Mike Ferry, President of the Mike Ferry Foundation.

And the worst part is that you may get even less than what you used to get, since things have changed in our economy so drastically. Change is an integral part of life. If you don’t change, you remain in infant stages.

Infants begin to grow and change the moment they breathe their first breath. And continue to do so until toddler age, teenage and adulthood. Imagine if you will, that one does not grow or learn anything from the moment that they come into the world. Moms will have perpetual 24-hours of feeding, changing diapers, bathing, and or playing with the baby. I think you get the idea. Now imagine a whole society of babies that never advanced and the parents got old and began to dwindle away…

Those unlearned offspring will begin to die away as well, since there is no one there to feed them, no one to hold and nurture them.

It is a wonderful thing the human body, although it is programmed to decay, we humans have the innate ability to learn by failures of what we do. Babies learn to walk by pulling up and taking their first steps, first one or two and fall. So they pull up again and then two or three more steps and fall, and so forth, until they are walking upright for long periods of time. And the funny thing is, in my experience, my children tried to run before they learned to walk good. Yes I do have a point, stay with me.

We as adults tend to do the same thing. We learn a little bit about a subject or business and try to run full blast on just a little bit of knowledge of what to do. This is why – like babies who never develop, the dream dies. The business owner, who never got nurtured, or taught by falling down and getting back up, they grow. They just fall down and stay down, unless they have developed from the things that the “Parent” company or Sponsor has shown them along the way.

Falling is not failing! We all fall down; the difference is in the getting back up again. How many times must we fall- as many times as needed to learn not do the same thing the same way and get the same results? Yes I am back where I started. Funny how I got thrown off by babies, huh? No, not really. In business and in simply living, we all go through stages very similar to those of a child trying to reach adulthood. Yet as adults we go through the same struggles to become successful and avoid mediocrity.

It is the person(s) that decided that they could do it if they changed the way it was done that not only stood up, but stood out and therefore made their businesses better than the one that did not get proper training and nurturing from the person or entity responsible for their growth.

That is the difference right there; having someone there to encourage you to take that next step, not tell you that it can not be done, or it has never been done like that before. We are the captains of our destinies… no two people are on the same charted path. If ten people were given the same opportunities, it is likely that three will take on the challenge. And of those three, one is likely to continue and succeed (and the chances of that happening are 1%). Not very good odds, but the reality is that if we continue to do what we have already done, we will always get the same results. Dare to be different and think outside of the box.

There is more than one route to downtown, take the one that gets you there in a timely fashion.

Just think if Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey or President Barack Obama had continued on the norm an thought of their future in stereotypical ways. These are extraordinary people and have decided that falling is part of failing and failing is part of development. I am thankful that they have set examples that we all can pattern ourselves after.

Go out and live your dream, fall but get back up again and try it from a different angle. You too can do it.

Born to succeed!

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