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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lifetime Resolutions

Every year people start their days with "I make a resolution to....", which usually lasts all off one to two months.  Let's admit it, rarely we keep those "New Years'" resolutions. How many times have you heard "I will lose X amount of pounds this year" or "this year I resolve to do "something really needed to be done"?

What we fail to do is to make committments that will give us a healthier lifestyle rather than a quick fix. Let's face it, most quick fixes usually end up becoming next years' new years' resolution. Don't fret, most people fail at their new year's resolutions or have a hard time staying dedicated to it. Perhaps we should choose something that is do-able. Something that we can visualize the results to. It is often stated "If you can see it, you can achieve it" This is why many self-help projects suggest that you post a picture of your "dream" item or accomplishment.

Stay with me now, picture yourself looking great as the next year begins. Picture yourself going shopping for the new car that you desire or the wardrobe to compliment your new body. Picture yourself sitting in a spa getting the total luxury treatment... Sounds like only a dream doesn't it? What if I told you that you could have all of that and more. The "Holy Bible" says that God will give to you abundantly and above all that you could ask or image. And I believe that this is very true. I will not take anything from what God says, however momma says that "God helps those who help themselves".

All things that God will give to you, he has made provision for you to go out and get them. Sure he will give it to you but you must put forth some effort, for he also says "Faith without works is dead". Much like online or work at home businesses, you can have anything that they promise, but work is required. The objective is to work SMARTER not HARDER. Ardyss International has given you the means to accomplish a great body, earn  BIG money and live a healthier lifestyle. Everything that you need for everyday living is provided through Ardyss.

You can have a great body with the Reshaping Garments, better health by using the nutritional products; Ardyss provides Cosmetics, skin and hair care and even environmentally safe "Green" cleaning products for the home. You can be all you want to be and do all you want to do through ARDYSS.

Do I sound like I am trying to convince you to become and ARDYSS preferred customer??? Good! Then I have accomplished my goal. I would not only like for you to consider becoming a customer, but a distributor as well. Why should you not be making the money you deserve by using the products that you already use daily.

Now back to the resolutions that need to be made... Let us all make a committment to live Healthier, Wealthier and more Productive lifestyles.

Ardyss is changing lives one appointment at a time...
Schedule your LIFE CHANGING appointment today!

Sandra Glasco

Call or Email today: (916)678-9987 ardyss1glasco@ymail.com

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