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Monday, February 7, 2011

CrazyGood Networking, Social Network


There is a new network that pays you to do it. I am all for it. It is just $10 a month, and for everyone that you refer, you get paid one dollar, for everyone that they refer- you get paid one dollar and for every person that was referred by a person you referred you get paid $1.

Be Optimistic . . . Be Realistic . . . and explore the possibilities! Use simple multiplication--it's easy. Click this link to find out how much you can earn on $10 a month...


Better still there is money paid out to your favorite charity or charities, yes 10% to the charity you choose, have your friends join and add that charity to there list and the money will be sent to YOUR charity.  
The POWER of a Community is in its people. More specifically the NUMBER of people. With numbers comes STRENGTH. Crazygood believes strength is meant for SERVICE not STATUS.

I joined more out of curiousity. I spend $10 a month on junk food as many of my readers will do. So why not put down the chips and soda for about three months and try this out. My curiousity is to find out how many of my friends will give up $10 a month, post the link on Facebook or Twitter and watch the money come back to them.

Not only does crazygood pay you for referrals, they disperse 50% of the company earnings among the affilliates (you & me). Now that is crazygood,

I recommend that you try it for two maybe three months, and if it does not do what it claims simply cancel your membership (affilliation) and you would have lost not only $20 but a few pounds from not eating all of the junk food.

Join Now. Click or paste the link below to your browser and I will See you at the top!

Sandra Glasco
Ardyss International-Advisor


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Testimony (Spiritual)

This Friday I was invited to go to church with an old friend. I was reluctant to go, but I had not been to church for so long, so I accepted her invitation. On my way there I was thinking, she does not speak English and my Spanish is not the best, but what can it hurt, I understand most words, I just cannot respond without sounding like high school Spanish 101.

Upon arriving the first thing that I noticed was that there were older American Caucasians in the audience. I immediately felt better, because I assumed that none of them spoke Spanish either. I was right. To my surprise, the Pastor gave the message in both languages. He would speak in his native language and then translate it into English, or vise-versa. People testified in English and he translated it into Spanish, Some would even do their own translations.

Okay to get back on track, I was compelled to testify. Upon standing I realized that I was not moving on my own (I would have stayed seated). I had no plan of saying anything or even knew what I was about to say, the words just began to flow. Right along with the words, the tears began to flow as well. Even at prayer time, I did not really want to go up, but my friend said “Don’t be afraid, I will go with you”. So there I was standing in front of the man of God, face to face, my sins right before God’s spokesperson.

The Pastor spoke these words: “My sister, God has not left you. He (God) wants you to know that He knows that you have always sought Him in everything you do. He has heard your prayers; He was been with you when you needed Him most. You have not wanted anything or suffered any lack. He says He is going to do a miracle for you in three days that you are going to come back and testify to. Go in peace”.

How did he know all of that; how did this stranger in my life know to speak those words to me. I told him about the situation about our not having jobs, but I did not mention to him that I always pray, in everything I do, I pray. I invite God to be in my presence to guide me in decisions that are simply everyday tasks. But I want to know that God is with me. I needed to know that I was not forgotten by God, especially since we struggled for nearly three years due to lack of work.

We survived two evictions, but we were never homeless or with out food. We were never without transportation, in fact we bought two more motorcycles and many cars which were eventually sold, but not for rent or food. We sold the cars/trucks because we had too many. And we are at that point again. We have two trucks, a van, a car and three motorcycles. I never intended to have so many but I can not sell my motorcycles.

God has been there all the time. He has never forsaken me; does God see me as righteous? He spoke these words through me, “I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread”. As I write these words, tears are filling up in my eyes… my mother used to say this verse a lot when I was young. It is a funny thing, now I am old and I have yet to see His righteous forsaken.

I don’t know who I am writing this for today, but never let language barriers stop you from doing what you are lead to do. Never leave God out of anything that you do. Never forget that you are His and He is yours. God will never leave you nor forsake you. We all have sinned and fallen short of His glory. And above all know that GOD loves you.

Thank you Father, Sandra Glasco